Hi, DSB is here, so spend the last few days of January 2023 with this volume! Everybody knows about chatGPT, LLM (large language models) and…
Data Science Bulletin Posts
DSB #140
Hi, hopefully you’re enjoying the weekend and you will enjoy the DSB as well! As a skeptic I would recommend an article from Pop why…
DSB #139
Hi, happy Sunday and happy DSB time with this volume! I recommend reading the article about backpropagation from Education and have a look on WeightedSHAP…
DSB #138
Hi, it’s been some time since the last volume, but even though the pause was long, DSB is back. Back again! So at first you…
DSB #137
Hi, hopefully you have survived Monday and you are ready for something much better, like DSB! For every data scientist, pandas antipatterns from Analytical is…
DSB #136
Hi, the summer is on fire and the DSB as well! So let’s go read! For Python users the article about dictionaries from Computer Science…
DSB #135
Hi, and surprise, DSB is here! So get comfy and read everything! I would recommend an intro to linear programming from Education, since I personally…
DSB #134
Hi, long time no see, but on this Sunday you get a DSB volume full of interesting reading. I would recommend an article from Pop…
DSB #133
Hi, after a month’s pause, there is another volume of DSB. So sit tightly, enjoy Easter, peel an egg and immerse yourself into reading. I…
DSB #132
Hi, hopefully you have lived your weekend fully and you can finish (or start) the day with DSB! And what would I recommend in this…