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Author: admin

DSB #129

Hi, it’s Sunday, it’s really windy weather so stay at home and rejoice because the new DSB arrived! My recommendation for this volume is an…

DSB #128

Hi, the first volume of this year comes on Sunday evening, and brings lot’s of reading. I found the article about logging from Computer Science…

DSB #127

Hi, Merry Christmass and enjoy it as much as you enjoy DSB! In this volume I would definitely recommend to everybody an article about bank…

DSB #126

Hi, DSB incoming! And it means it’s Friday. I would recommend an article about PCA in Analytical or interesting is a short reading about code…

DSB #125

Hi, let’s roll, it’s Friday and DSB! My personal favorite in this volume is an article about optimization of a pokemon team from Analytical. Of…

DSB #124

Hi, Monday is close, but the DSB is closer! Have a look at a review article about this year in ML, AI and Data in…

DSB #123

Hi, yeah, I know, it’s not Friday but Monday… but still you can enlighten yourself with DSB! And have a look for instance at articles…

DSB #122

Hi, the weekend is near, DSB also, and with it so many good articles. I love the article about the Battleship game from Analytical. I…

DSB #121

Hi, hopefully you already went home and now you may read the DSB! I recommend an interesting article about working with databases with SQLAlchemy from…

DSB #120

Hi, after a short summer pause, the new DSB is here! Hopefully you survived Friday the 13th and now you can start reading! I would…