get funky on Friday with the bulletin! Read for example study about home advantage in soccer games without spectators in Papers & Books!
And as always, enjoy your reading.
https://hakibenita.com/sql-for-data-analysis – Pandas vs SQL, and it’s a draw! Obviously. But it’s also full of examples of very nice queries. (rcmd by reader)
https://www.pinecone.io/learn/vector-database/ – Want to store a vector? Use a vector database.
https://deepnote.com/@marc-bernot/San-Pellegrino-label-moire-effect-sWIn2nYPSeuvU7na8_SxBQ – Visual pattern analysis in order to identify Moiré effect in the San Pellegrino label.
Computer Science & Science
https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line/blob/master/README.md – Be fluent with command line, this repository will teach you everything you need. (rcmd by reader)
https://kevlinhenney.medium.com/exceptional-naming-6e3c8f5bffac – Naming in computer science is difficult, exceptional naming is exceptionally difficult. (rcmd by reader)
https://calpaterson.com/metadata.html – How Google uses metadata in its search engine. And it’s more important than AI itself. (rcmd by reader)
Graphs and Visualizations
https://www.jezzamon.com/fourier/index.html – Nice introduction with beautiful visualizations of Fourier Transformation.
And here is the intro by 3Blue1Brown. (rcmd by reader)
https://medium.com/mit-media-lab/coded-illustrations-bebdf385cd98 – Zach Lieberman created an art with facial recognition for an article in the New York Times magazine. (rcmd by reader)
https://github.com/ft-interactive/chart-doctor/tree/master/visual-vocabulary – Financial Times visual vocabulary – when to use which chart type. (rcmd by reader)
Business and Career
https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/371302 – Nasdaq system failed because of an integer limits 😀 (rcmd by reader)
https://newsletter.fintechtakes.com/p/centers-of-gravity – Really long thought about fintechs, the atomization they have created, and how banks should react, why they should focus on the financial health of their clients.
https://blog.revolut.com/meet-revolut-shopper/ – Revolut released an extension for browsers – Revolut Shopper – that automatically finds discounts.
https://www.deepl.com/translator – Maybe you already heard about DeepL Translator from Germany, that seems better than Google Translate, but as you can try it yourself it’s still worse than a good human translator. (rcmd by reader)
https://kobra.dev/ – Kobra is a visual programming language for machine learning – basicall Scratch for data science, ideal for beginners without greater ambition. (rcmd by reader)
https://geektech.me/sberbank-will-use-the-labor-of-prisoners-to-train-neural-networks/ – Sperbank will pay convicts to label their data. (rcmd by reader)
https://pythonsbyte.substack.com/p/me-unchained – What is a chained map in Python? (rcmd by reader)
https://deepnote.com/@ken-e7bd/Intro-to-Q-learning-in-RL-4R450s6_RVKJIC2xiqs71g – Nice comprehent intro to reinforcement learning with code.
https://ggcarvalho.dev/posts/montecarlo/ – Applications of Monte Carlo simulations with Go language.
Data & Libraries
https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/changes/#version-2-0-0 – New version of Flask is here. (rcmd by reader)
https://deepnote.com/@chanakya-vivek-kapoor/Synthetic-Data-Generation-QaaTRs73T2iCb0amHFbwpQ – Generating syntetic data with Gaussian Mixture Model.
https://github.com/capitalone/DataProfiler#data-profiler–whats-in-your-data – DataProfiler is a Python library that is not only describing your data, but also monitors and identifies with pre-trained model sensitive data.
https://ianwhitestone.work/good-ds-bad-ds/ – Difference between good and bad data scientist. “Good DS has a deep understanding of data lineage & sourcing, and will often build these pipelines themselves. Bad DS thinks it is someone else’s job.” (rcmd by reader)
https://dagster.io/blog/dagster-airflow – Dagster, data orchestrator, compares itself with Airflow.
https://analyticsindiamag.com/andrew-ngs-deeplearning-ai-launches-new-course-on-mlops/ – Mr. Ng released a new specialization on Coursera about mlops in order to teach how to get and handle models on production.
Video & Podcast
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwfVxckuq50 – Why AI is harder than we think. Is another winter coming?
Papers & Books
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0248590 – Paper about influence of specators on soccer matches. And even without fans home advantage remains. Czech article on that topic is here. (rcmd by reader)
http://d2l.ai/ – Interactive Deep Learning book with code. Seems good on first sight. (rcmd by reader)
https://python-patterns.guide/ – Guide for Python design patterns – and it’s a must read for everybody who wants to know more about code design. (rcmd by reader)
Behind the Fence
https://www.betterup.com/en-us/about-us/careers?gh_jid=3098915 – Experimental Behavior Scientist in BetterUp, USA.
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