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DSB #144


Kick off your week with tonight’s fresh volume of DSB! You don’t want to miss the Pop section this time. I really enjoyed the article about accelerating product velocity. BTW Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

And as always, enjoy your reading.

Science – Let’s dive into Shazam’s music identification technology, its audio recognition principles, spectrogram analysis, and challenges in song matching. – Enhance your understanding of large language models with this interactive visualization of several versions of LLMs. – How to extract training data from GPT
and how to patch an exploit. – Code review at Google? Only with their efficient code review guidelines and with Critique, a code review tool with a pinch of AI.

Pop – Develop your product as quickly as possible with these practical steps. Identify potential problems and eliminate them. Focus on organizational structure, planning, dependencies, clear narratives, deployment and incident metrics. – Dropbox’s controversies regarding sharing user data with third-party partners ilustrate how unclear communication can erode trust between a company’s AI products and the users. – The ‘tragedy of the commons,’ a concept familiar in economics, also applies to middle management. Don’t focus only on vertical connections, don’t overlook your peers!
The story of the European Union’s AI Act: challenges in implementation and perpetual balance between innovation and ethics with safety. Here read about California’s approach to AI regulation.


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